Mitsubishi Triton Roof top tent Rack
The Tough Touring Over cab roof rack Creates the strongest Roof top tent and awning mouting platform on the market available for the Mighty Triton - tested now for over 3 years without known failure to over 150kgs - These racks are super light, low and available with Top Hat Bar plank widths of between 1350mm to1550mm.
The incredible strength has been achieved by our unique 1 piece length ways folded 3mm Steel foot rail - combined with precision folded 33mm High Aluminium top hat bar planks . The Total Rack Weighing in at just 18kgs - The rack punches well above its weight for strength.
Great News for Triton owners Yes - But on the bad side, we've had a bad run with Tritons of varying Year models with Factory 'variations' in stud positions, as well as varying roof channels, making it impossible for us to pack and send a rack without inspection.
This Listing is maintained on our site for customers wishing for ONSITE installation here at Tough Touring only - we no longer ship this rack for Self install - Its just impossible for us to ensure that your triton is the same as the one we've built the rack to suit. (They are all different year to year).
This Kit gives the Dual Cab roof a 1750mm long / 3 plank roof rack with access to the underside of our Aluminium Top Hat Bar planks making direct Boltup fitment of accessories possible - while keeping rack weight down and keeping easy access to mounting bolts from beside the vehicle. .
The Rack cansit between 25mm and 40mm off your high point in the roof skin.
TheTriton only has 4 x m6 High Tensile rack mounting bolts from factory - these are typically a vertical exposed thread protruding upwards from the centre of a tab/clip or block ...
2 more pre tapped m6 insets are sometimes present as well, Adding additional strength (As per Pajero) but not present on all models.
That said - We would reccommend removing roof lining before fitting a RTT to the Majority of Triton Dual Cabs, drilling new Mounting holes and inserting reversed M8 'DOME NUTs' through the roof skin for seciring the racks .
Instructions on fitting these racks are not included. If you are not a Experienced Rack Fitter complicatons with Air bags and inserting / drilling into your roof blind is not reccommended - CHECK POSITIONING OF AIR BAGS BEFORE DRILLING INTO THE ROOF. Removal of Roof lining and moving Air bags is typically required EVERY TIME with Triton.
Top Hat bar planks available in 1350mm , 1470 and 1550 for outfold racks,
If your using the rack to install a 1350mm wide roof top tent, you would typically choose a 1350mm wide top hat bar plank to match roof top tents width,
It is usually preferable to mount Pole less awnings directly to your roof top tent on All Dual Cab Uits as the tent gives you the required height and length to mount Pole Less awnings... Not all tents can handle Pole Less Awning mounts though... Check this before you buy a tent or awning.
There is a quick video explaining the complexities of mounting an awning beside Plastic tents or soft top tents here - however be aware that the racks we manufacture for Dual Cabs are not long enough to mount awnings and Tents Independently.
The Kit Includes:
4 X 6mm - 76 degree inward folded roof rail feet.
Outwards Folded through 100 Degrees (or infolded to 89 Degrees) and slotted to take the FEET above - 3mm mm Mild Steel folded and Powdercoated Black. Pre - Slotted to accept out Top Hat Bar planks.
4x 30mm -M8 High Tensile Bolts, Nuts and Washers
3 x Aluminium Top Hat Bar Plankss / 1350, 1470, 1550mm - Powdercoated
16 x 20mm HEx Bolts and Nylocks for roof planks,
Roll of anti vibration foam
Tube Sikka 221 Sealand
2 x LOGO plates
Spacer blocks
All Components are made in Australia, Powdercoated in Dulux Black Textura.
NOTE: The Awning brackets and Awning in the pictures above are not included in the RACK KIT.
No Fitting Instructions are included with the Kit, Fitting time (For Professionals) Basic Advice is given below in Tech Detail Section. Tough Touring expects racks such as this one is to be fitted by expert vehicle/rack fitters, as many Dual cabs have Air bags jammed into the roof cavities and expert fitting is reccommended for correct adherence to state road safety laws and a quality job overall...
All components manufactured in Mild Steel, Sand blasted for maximium paint durability and Finished in Dulux Black Textura Powdercoat and Baked at over 500 Degrees Celcius for Ultimate durability.
Please note that Tough Touring has not taken into consideration your vehicles stability or road handling characteristics, designed for maximum strength in off road conditions at low speed.
Please adhere to reccommended vehicle roof loads where possible and drive to the conditions with safety.
Overloaded roof racks can cause dire handling effects on all vehicles, and will adversely effect your cornering and braking speeds.
for professional fitters Time for Installatioin should be as below:
* SomeTriton Utes models do not have any roof rail insets for rack mounting at all... This can be a bonus as adding new m8 ones is a stronger solution anyway - JUST CHECK WHERE THE AIR BAGS ARE FIRST>*Typically - The Triton will have airbags each side underneath the roof racks mounting position... and Headlining is nightmare to remove as they are not strong enough to flex out for inspection camera use without potentially snapping the supporting material... We would reccommend professional fitting and a signed waiver of resposibility for lining wear and tear should you be wishing to upgrade roof strength to allow M8 Bolts.
* The Tritons Actual top roof skin is so thin - even a light elbow pressure will dent the roof. Be cautious with any pressure at all on doors / trim and any steel skin.
More information can be found here.
Check that your Triton has Mounting points
THE TRITON Has 2 Factory M8 Captive Bolts Welded into the roof using studs Each side - A good start - Please ascertain that the cab roof is of this type before ordering our Rack kit. We would reccomment removing roof lining and adding a second bolt to each rack foot using an Inverted Dome nut , caulked and sealed. (Dome nuts to be used on the inside cavity so as not to puncture a deploying air bag)
The Easiest way to check if a dual cab is ok to fit a Solid Rack too - Is to check the roof for roof raxk mounting bolt holes... if it doesnt have any - and it has curtain airbags - In Most cases you cant legally fit a rack withou having Roof lining removed, air bags pushed aside, Then Dome nuts added.through the roof skin for additional bolt down points.
VEhicle/Rack fitters will need to remove the roof lining to find safe positions to mount the through bolts required to secure the rack and load.
2020 onward dual cans can be the most challenging vehicle to deck out with roof racks or rtt or pole less awings ... Possibly due to increased Safety requirements, Manufacturers of many newer vehicles have litterly fillled the cavity space in the roof with airbags... To make life a little harder for Mechanics and Fitters - the roof lining is also moulded / brittle one piece solid foam and is easily damaged when removed... damage is likely duriing roof lining removal...We would advise professional fitters be used to install this rack